There are many factors involved in the production of a commercial. Or any piece of media, for that matter. Picking the right location is a decisive part of the process. For me, I have plenty of options. There is a gym and pool in my apartment building. The gym is vacant at times and may be a good choice for a filming spot. The pool area is also viable, there is a large patio and is also devoid of people at times. The background scenery would be quite stunning as the canal is adjacent to the pool area. Outside the apartment, there is also the beach. The beach is within walking distance from where I live which makes it a nice option. Those 3 places are the best choices. If for some utterly insane reason I cannot make the commercial in these areas, I do have a backup plan. My apartment is not the most visually appealing place, but I can certainly record here with no issues. It will also be the easiest since I am in my home quite often. School is also an option, after hours I can definitely sneak in some scenes of the commercial. I am unsure of the policies about recording on campus so there is a pretty good chance I won't be able to. The last location would be in the parking lot of my building. It is not a busy lot but there's a lot of open space. It is not very aesthetically pleasing for a commercial about me and I probably won't choose this area for filming. Once I decide on the locations where I want to film, I will work out any other pros and cons and then make my ultimate decision. I could also pick multiple locations if I wanted to.
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