
  Once everything is planned, it would be time to begin the recording. Bringing myself to the chosen location will be easy considering I have picturesque surroundings near me so there isn’t a lot of traveling necessary. Actually choosing it is the problem. If I want to do several, I’d have a lot of clips to make. I would certainly use the techniques that are found in the vocabulary word assignment that I did for the class. For an advertisement I’d use eye level shots. The reason being to create a neutral view. I am not a very imposing person, nor do I want to create a sense of me being small for the commercial. The neutral shot is in between these so it should be the perfect choice. My scenes will be recorded and then put together to create the commercial. Looking at my nonexistent recording skills, I would have to do several takes for each scene. Unfortunately, tracking shots won’t be possible as I am the only one able to record my commercial. I wouldn’t make others be my production crew. Especially if they aren’t being paid. I cannot risk any errors and I want to be able to finish this commercial as soon as possible. The time I would want to record would be the sunset. Day time I feel would be too generic. Nighttime is too dark, and a little scary too. The sunset is perfect as it will create a really enjoyable atmosphere and a pleasing background. Only problem is the glare! I guess I’ll always have an issue to try to get around…


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