Preparations for the shoot

   For the music video, many things need to be taken into consideration. The video itself has to be 1 minute and a quarter more or less. We will have to choose the part of the song that will fit in that time range. Due to a lack of resources, we cannot break up the song. The result is us using one long clip of the 2 minute song. Group member Daniel has a good ear for music and could certainly pick the right clip to use in the video. The filming location has not been chosen yet at this time. It will probably be in a public place like by the beach or a park somewhere. All my group members live in different parts of town. Finding a spot in the middle won’t be an easy task. Taking transportation into account, some members don’t have cars. Those that I know of are me and Daniel. Car service will need to be ordered so that will be an expense. For filming, we will use our phones. Someone will have the role of cameraman. Whoever this is, will be chosen in a quick process of figuring out who has a phone with the best quality camera. Once we figure out who that is, they will be our designated cameraman. I suppose the rest of us will be actors in the music video. With assistance, the film will be edited on a software of the editors choice, who we don’t know either. Cap it will most likely be the editing software if I am not chosen to be the editor. Of course, all group members will have access to assistance and help from other members. This will help keep our group coordinated and make everything run smoothly.


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