Change made

   After reviewing the footage, we decided on some changes that had to me made to improve our film. One of those was the main title screen. This is shown to be a message written into the dirt. What it says is "Crackhead Killer" which is the title of the movie. The first take we did of the film we notice the letters aren't as pronounced as we would've wanted. Due to the time constraints our team had, we had to get someone to come back and redo it. Myles is the one who recommended we use the Hampton Pines Park as our film set. He did not research too far into the closing time of this location. To be fair, neither did any of the other group members including myself. Myles lives in close proximity to this park, it's only a ten-minute walk from his house. The next day, Myles returned to the park to fix up that scene. He pronounced the letters better so that they would be legible. Overall, it was a success, and we replaced the old footage with the new one. It is a good thing he lived close to the park because no other person would be able to return. Our film is quite unique in the sense that it includes many different camera angles and shots. For instance, wide angle and panning in the establishing shot. Also, it includes scenes where the two protagonists are trying to shoot a blog, and the killer interrupts them by killing the cameraman. I believe it included enough components for it to be an entertaining movie. Changes did happen along the way during the production and review of the film. Although there were a few slip ups, in the end we did (hopefully) produce a decent product.


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