Film Review

 Going over the film being put together, I noticed several things. This was a product of the cast not being able to perform several tasks due to our own issues and outside issues. For instance, we had to think of a creative way to make the title of the film, so we carved into the dirt. The carvings did not pop out enough the first time. As a result, we had one of our team members return to the location and carve another title, this time deeper and more pronounced. It ended up working, but it could’ve been better if we filmed at another location. Two other problems became apparent when filming at this site. It had a closing time, which I did not know it had. Which meant our time on set was very limited, especially since there was school the next day for us. Only two minutes of footage was needed, which was very good for us considering we were kicked out after we finished up. The sun was still out too, which subtracted from the scariness of the film. Another thing was that due to a lack of clear vision in what the plan was, we had to improvise on the props and used what we could. The killers weapon had to be a metal pole that looked like a old fireplace rod. Mario’s phone acted as the camera for the “blog” the protagonists were making in the woods. There was a rock we used for the second friend to try and fight off the killer. We also had a hard time taking the project seriously, therefor we had to introduce comedy to the horror genre. Films like these do exist in the real world, an example being “Scary Movie”. Our title “Crackhead Killer” is not the most appropriate of titles in general, but it was quite suiting for the finished product. Hopefully we can make some changes to make it more presentable to an audience. I’d like my movie to be watchable at the bare minimum.


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