Short film research: 8

Common sounds for short films in the war genre are explosions which would be diegetic noise, there is also music for tense scenes which is non-diegetic. When listening for certain sound cues, one thing is very noticeable on the opening scene of this short film. That is its diegetic sound. There is the sound of a plane flying above which is somewhat disorienting. It provides a good insight on the setting of this film and makes the audience uneasy yet captivated to see what happens next. Dialogue is rarely considered to be a huge feature in war films, and in the case of this particular short film, dialogue is not used at all which is unique. Mis-en-scene plays a big role in the authenticity of a short film in the war genre. Costumes mainly are the focus. They have to look like they belong in the overall setting and time period for the audience to take the film seriously. Props such as weapons also should line up with this. The short film "8" does a great job at ...