Our pitch or pitches if you will

   Pitch 1: The setting is occupied Italy. Our protagonist is in a squad of U.S. Army GIs during a late-WW2 time period. His squad go out on a scouting mission in search of the enemy position. They make contact with the enemy and are chased down. This causes a chaotic firefight. They nearly get themselves killed by a grenade wielding German which gives the protagonist a realization that life is fragile, and anyone can get their life altered in moments. The closing scene shows one last German preparing to ambush the Americans as they are preparing to head back but instead chooses to surrender to the Americans.

  Pitch 2: The setting is a decrepit location in a kitchen converted to be a lab, and 2 men dressed in hazmat suits and masks are cooking something up in this lab. They make precise measurements, and they comment how it's so important to do so, or else. They pour contents or "ingredients" into test tubes and beakers and eventually gets popped into an oven. We then hear a "ding" and out come cookies. One of the hazmat suit wearers tries to grab one and the other smacks his hand, saying you can't test the product. They then give a cookie to a guy in a suit wearing gloves, and he smiles and says how pure this product is.

  The best pitch in my opinion would be the first one. I feel like a war story such as this could make for a very entertaining short film that will keep viewers at the edge of their seats. It could also make room for some comedic elements despite the serious nature of war. Also, there will be many more people willing to help me make this short film at the time of recording it if we stick with pitch 1. Specifically, those who already have good costumes that will be period accurate. Considering this, I genuinely have an interest in history and could have a lot of fun doing something I have wanted to for quite a long time by making that film. Plus, we could use pitch 2 as a backup if anything were to go wrong during the making of the film.



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