
   As we near the end of the editing phase of this project, there are a few things about the film I'd like to discuss. There were a lot of parts I would have wanted to add to the film, but unfortunately could not. One of these things is names to the characters. The original script had the names of the characters be revealed. After some consideration, my team decided against this. These two characters could be from different units and not know each other personally. Also, in the limited time they had spent together, they probably would not think to ask the other his name before the U.S. Army arrived. That is why the dialogue in the script was so heavily altered. It would have been nice to have that extra detail, but there just wasn't enough running time to fit it in. The next thing is the punching part. This was the closest act to being in the film out of all the other ones that were cut. The script had the sharpshooter hit the spotter to get him to snap out of it. We felt that this would be too excessive because the characters we were playing would likely be much more disciplined than to do something like that. The scene also required prop blood which we did not have on set. Another thing we considering doing was making all of the lines of our two main characters in German. If we stuck to the original script, this would have been possible. I managed to get accurate translations along with proper pronunciation. The issue with this was the course is meant for the English language. Therefore, we could not make the majority of the lines in our short film in German. Even with the addition of subtitles. It would have been really cool though and added to the authenticity. Doing all this reflection, it really makes me wonder how the film would turn out if we did not deviate from the script or even used a different set.


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