The big day

  Immediately, we found that we were down 2 actors and had to improvise. The result was many lines had to be changed from the script, and the storyline had to be switched up at parts due to a lack of people. On set, we couldn’t properly organize what jobs everyone had because we were missing one of our group members. There were also no more specific roles given to the soldiers. Instead of a Sniper and Spotter, it became two Riflemen. Gear became somewhat of an headache, as we could not substitute for a lack of binoculars and grenades. Despite there being several scenes I wanted to include in the film, we did not have enough of time both in fitting them into the footage and in real life. Those being the thousand yard stare and the binoculars scenes. It was getting a bit too late to continue being on set. Our camera operator was Sophia, and she kept that role for the duration of the film. Obviously, she would not be able to act as any of the characters in this short film as it would be historically inaccurate. We decided to include a dead body near the beginning of the film just to help make up for the lack of diverse characters. The lack of grenades caused the ending to change, with one of the soldiers being captured instead of them both meeting a grim fate. Voice lines changed drastically to adapt to the changes made. I was not paying much attention, but there was only one or two lines out of the nineteen on the script that we followed word by word. The project was admittedly rushed because it was the evening and everyone was a little jumpy. Especially being next to a graveyard and such. There are a few more changes I’d like to make to help it match the original feel I was going for. With extra help I’d be able to accomplish that. Overall, I feel that this day of filming needs a redo and with a bit extra help we could do a better job following the script.


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